Sunday 17 April 2011

I'm beautiful in my way, 'cause God makes no mistakes, I'm on the right track, baby I was born this waay

I decided to use the "alternate blog topic" for one of my 6-9:

Vonnegut did not display any outward criticism or ridicule towards the German soldiers in SH5. Instead, the more apparent ridicule was towards the American soldier who betrayed his own country for the German. I think Vonnegut is more "against" (if that is the proper word) people who betray their own country for another. Maybe the character of Howard Campbell was to symbolize Vonnegut's grandparents who feel ashamed for their own heritage and culture. Although Campbell did not outrightly say that he was ashamed of being American, he was definitely assimilated into the German culture and beliefs which outraged the American prisoners and caused Edgar Derby to angrily yell at him for betraying his country and turning into a traitor, which I don't blame Derby. The Germans done many unjustified and incredibly cruel and inhumane things towards the Jews, but the Americans also bombed an entire city and dropped two atomic bombs on two Japanese cities. I'm not trying to justify the Germans' role in WWII, but that both the Alliance and the Axis Powers done some pretty messed and stupid things in the war. So why feel good to be an American? Does it make a difference? If the Vonnegut family were born American and moved to Germany, will they feel ashamed to be American and try to assimilate into the greater culture? Why do they need to feel the need to hide their identity? Sure, I feel ashamed that the Chinese government obliterated thousands of its own citizens in the Beijing 1989 Massacre, and there are many other policies of the Chinese government that I'm strongly against, but that doesn't make me hate myself for being Chinese and want to assimilate into a different culture... I'm not gonna change my identity or hide myself because of that...
Anyways, throughout the novel, Vonnegut did not attack or bash out on the Germans, however, he also did not sympathize with them either. He wasn't even sitting on the fence, he pretty much didn't voice his opinion of it. Not like he was trying to avoid it, just presenting what he saw and what experienced the way it is: without bias or opinions. Because the whole point of the novel is not about war, he established that in the first chapter. The whole point writing of SH5 was to aggrandize the stupidity and uselessness of war, and how humans can't get away from it. Like really.. You really need to start another disagreement to solve a disagreement? 
And I think people who try to hide their culture and their identity should feel ashamed of themselves. You were made just the way you are (Bruno Mars haha) and everything was created for a reason, even that rock you tripped over. Everything was decided for you even before you were born, so why would you even want to change that? No one's perfect, but everyone was made the most perfect way they were (I don't know if that makes sense...) so WHY FEEL ASHAMED? 
Which reminds me of Lady Gaga's Born this Way, which I think all teenage audience are too familiar with. 
Sorry Gaga, but I like Navi and ST's version better. Anyways, even if your country makes a bunch of mistakes that shames its citizens, why change your identity? Change the identity of your country instead and change it for the better instead of running away and hiding elsewhere. Don't be a coward. One thing I learned from Billy, after the encounter/kidnapping occasion with the Tralfamadorians, one thing he got out of it, to be braver and stand up for his ideas, no matter how crazy they seem. Hey, he thought it was right and put up a good fight for it too. Although I thought it was whack, he had the guts to say what was on his mind and not be ashamed to meet the Tralfamadorians. Even if you're ashamed of what your culture did, stand up for what you think is right and change what others think. Even if it might be right, at least people will give you props for the guts. I'ma leave it off with the chorus of this song: 

I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes.
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way

here's a picture summing it all up: (credit goes to


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