Tuesday 29 March 2011

If I were to write my very own story..

If I were to write my own story, I would most definitely choose to write a typical, clichéd, stereotypical, and unoriginal love story twisted with clichés and stereotypical story lines and everything else in a love story that will never actually happen in real life. That was Plan A. ^ But then I thought of an even better Plan A. I was originally thinking of going with the love story idea (because that's all my dramas bombard me with). But then, all of a sudden, I thought of this really scary mystery movie (not to mention horrific, graphic, gory, and psychologically twisted) I watched during the break and decided to go along the theme of that instead (the mystery aspect, not the gore). I mean, mystery novels/movies/shows are so interesting. Especially the ones where the ending completely throws you off and makes you go "OMG NO WAY" at the end. Writing a mystery novel is kind of like working backwards; the author (in this case, moi) would have to think of what the solved mystery will be and write the story backwards, from the ending to the beginning. Maybe it's because of the annuity stuff we're learning in Math right now that makes me think backwards o_o But anyways, if I were to write my own story, I would most definitely write a mystery novel. I love mysteries. Sometimes it makes me so confused and clueless throughout and makes me wanna yell "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?" but I also love the stimulating sensation you get when you find out the who the killer is at the end. The general storyline would probably be a murder mystery, because I love the genre. But unlike Vonnegut and Criminal Minds, I wouldn't reveal the killer until the very end. And I'll create many characters readers will suspect so it will be even more thrilling when the real killer is revealed in the end. Of course every murder mystery needs its suspense and captivating character leads. Combining some ideas from Castle and 4th Period Murder Mystery, I'll have a charismatic and bold female lead (a mix of Kate Beckett from Castle and Lizzie Bennett from Pride & Prejudice and Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind --> what a wonderful character mixture o_o) and a male lead. Maybe if I feel like it, I'll incorporate a little love story brewing between the main characters to attract more consumers. I mean, who doesn't love a heart-warming love story mixed with feisty action and enchanting mystery? ;DAnd for every female lead, there must be an annoying yet beautifully charming male lead following at her tail (maybe not must, but definitely for my novel). Like mentioned before, I'd definitely add a few more minor characters than usual to throw the reader off and also make the ending so dramatic and amazing that I'll leave the readers wanting for more and make millions of dollars with this amazing book that will hit Number 1 on book charts worldwide. but that'll only happen if I one day to feel like spending a long period of time writing a novel.In the mean time, I'll get back to my Castle episodes :D (and dramas hehe)byebye, lizP.S.: may be re-edited due to a lack of making sense throughout >.<btw, photo credit and copyright infringement as well as all the rights reserved goes to Lady-Tori at www.deviantart.com
Aww even little danbo is reading *o*

Monday 7 March 2011

banning books, oui ou non?

First, bonjour again :D (viidragon: what's with the french? o_o taewang: leave me alone >.<)

sorry, just had to throw that out there >.< but honestly, time passes by a heck lot quicker when youre old.. -_-

So, blogging bout the censoring of Slaughterhouse 5. There are many themes in the novel that raises several controversies and criticisms when it was first published then released. Even today, this controversial book is banned in many schools in America due to the thematic elements of the novel. Personally, I don't think any book should be banned. I mean, a book itself is the philosophical thoughts of an author, the message(s) he/she is telling the world. Banning a book is like disregarding an author's opinion. Since we live in a free nation, shouldn't the banning of books be illegal? Well it's a different story if you live in an autocratic government, but then again, your book would probably not be published in the first place. But think about it, Slaughterhouse 5, although it provides readers with a first-hand historical account of some things that occurred during WWII, is the opinions Vonnegut has regarding the WWII. So why hush him up? Isn't there some saying that goes like "If you silence a guy, he'll talk ten times louder?" (or did I just make that up? o_o) From all that criticism thrown at Vonnegut about Slaughterhouse 5, it probably also brought up more issues for America involving themselves in the Vietnam War, which probably led to activist groups and social groups and the like. So, Vonnegut should thank the critics that hurled insults at this masterpiece, for if it weren't for them and their attempts at trying to ban this novel, Slaughterhouse 5 would not have received so many popular recognition, or maybe that was his intent in the first place..

And enjoy this picturesque scene of Dresden (don't know where exactly this place is). Oh btw, all rights reserved, copyright infringement and the other legal publication stuff belongs to Thaess@deviantart.com

blog some more laters (in the month >.<),



Friday 4 March 2011

Not afraid to go near the cliff's edge.

"I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you can see all kinds of things you can't see from the center..."
                                                                                          - Kurt Vonnegut
Hmm..how interesting.. o_O

To me, this translates to: "It's boring in the center so I'll stay close to wherever things are interesting." I mean, people get bored easily..who wants to do boring things all their lives? Not me, I rather be exposed to the mysteries of this world and whatever else it throws, rather than hiding out in the dark staying "comfortable" forever. With society these days, all the technology and other media influences have allowed teenagers to adapt to changes quickly. So what's the down side of coming of that shell and embracing the beauty of the reality of life? I mean, sure, life and the reality of it can get scary sometimes but how are you going to grow and mature if you can't overcome this obstacle? Gonna use another analogy about life: it's a journey, a series of different paths leading to many more different endings . Every "intersection" you come to, you need to choose wisely about which path to take, each will have a different outcome for your life. If you can't get through the first intersection, how are you going to get through the one after that that and so on? There are no shortcuts, no floo powder that can get you from here to there. 

So embrace it, don't run or hide. Even if it will get tough sometimes, face those challenges and fight those obstacles and most of all, don't be like Billy Pilgrim. 

peace out,
