Monday 7 March 2011

banning books, oui ou non?

First, bonjour again :D (viidragon: what's with the french? o_o taewang: leave me alone >.<)

sorry, just had to throw that out there >.< but honestly, time passes by a heck lot quicker when youre old.. -_-

So, blogging bout the censoring of Slaughterhouse 5. There are many themes in the novel that raises several controversies and criticisms when it was first published then released. Even today, this controversial book is banned in many schools in America due to the thematic elements of the novel. Personally, I don't think any book should be banned. I mean, a book itself is the philosophical thoughts of an author, the message(s) he/she is telling the world. Banning a book is like disregarding an author's opinion. Since we live in a free nation, shouldn't the banning of books be illegal? Well it's a different story if you live in an autocratic government, but then again, your book would probably not be published in the first place. But think about it, Slaughterhouse 5, although it provides readers with a first-hand historical account of some things that occurred during WWII, is the opinions Vonnegut has regarding the WWII. So why hush him up? Isn't there some saying that goes like "If you silence a guy, he'll talk ten times louder?" (or did I just make that up? o_o) From all that criticism thrown at Vonnegut about Slaughterhouse 5, it probably also brought up more issues for America involving themselves in the Vietnam War, which probably led to activist groups and social groups and the like. So, Vonnegut should thank the critics that hurled insults at this masterpiece, for if it weren't for them and their attempts at trying to ban this novel, Slaughterhouse 5 would not have received so many popular recognition, or maybe that was his intent in the first place..

And enjoy this picturesque scene of Dresden (don't know where exactly this place is). Oh btw, all rights reserved, copyright infringement and the other legal publication stuff belongs to

blog some more laters (in the month >.<),




  1. If a book is titled "DON'T OPEN THIS BOOK!" don't you think that people will open it just out of curiosity? I think the same thing applies to censorship. If a book has a reputation for pushing the limts, I think it will be more likely to be read.

  2. interesting connection, if you've ever watched derren brown, he does the same kind of twisted psychology you are referring to.
